Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Myths about Women and Weights

Recently, I've grown more and more convinced that there is some seriously bad information out there about women lifting weights and all the chronic cardio that some feel the need to do.  Actually, I've been thinking down this line for more and more for a couple years now, but only recently been able to truly put my finger on it.

Thanks to the book, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler and Cassandra Forsyth, M.S., finally a light has been shown on what I've been pondering for years.  I'm going to highlight a few myths that Schuler talks about.

  • Muscles in men and women are essentially identical!
A muscle fiber is a muscle fiber is a muscle fiber guys!  In 1990, the journal of Sports Medicine said "Unit for unit, female muscle tissue is similar in force output to male muscle tissue.... There is no evidence that women should train differently [from men]."

Interesting right?  Yet every time I go to the gym, I see a woman holding a 2 pound dumbbell and doing 300 reps of bicep curls!  Could you imagine a man doing this?  Yet our muscles are made of the same stuff!

  • No workout will make you taller!
This has bothered me for so long that I can't stand it any more.  How many times have we seen a workout or machine or system that will give you the "long, sleek muscles of a dancer"???  Here's reality.  Your muscles are genetically predetermined in shape.  You can't change it unless you Marty McFly back and encourage your mother to ditch George and hook up with Biff after all!

  • Results come from lifting heavy weights!
You won't want to hear this - it's going to seriously mess with your sense of what you're supposed to do in the weight room.  Muscle Strength DOES NOT EQUAL Muscle Endurance.  :(  Big frowny face!  I too wish I could just hang out and lift my 10 pound barbell 400 times and look like Arnold, but that's not the case.  You want your muscles to grow!

This puts me on a totally different rant about toning.  What is that "Toned" look that people talk about?  Go ahead, think about it - describe it to me....

Here's what it is.

Muscles showing that aren't covered in fat.  Definition between your muscles that isn't all mushy.  Who doesn't want that - but to get there, you need to cut the fat and increase the size of muscles.

Building strength increases size, building endurance increases.... well.... endurance.

  • But Steve...... I don't want to get BULKY!!!!

Yo.  This is simple.  I do want to get bulky and have been trying for the better part of a year.  IT'S FREAKING HARD!  And I'm a man, filled to the brink with all my manly hormones and taking a bucket of supplements.  And eating a pretty serious surplus of calories.

Are you doing these things?  No???  Ok, then let's just put this silly bulky talk to bed.  Worst case scenario... you bulk up a tiny bit in the shoulders.  Cut your calories just a bit and you'll be back down to your old size in weeks.  For most of us, broad shoulders and a tiny waist is a nice thing - I think if you tried it on for size, you'd be impressed.

I'm leaving out a ton of nutrition stuff that's been bugging me for a while here, I'll get to it later.  This was just to tell you women-folk..... LIFT HEAVIER!  If you can do a 10th rep - guess what - you picked too light of a weight!

If you don't believe me - awesome!  I sort of hope you don't - go try it!  Eat your protein, lift heavy and see what happens!

Yours in health and fitness (and heavy ass weights)...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Coping with Cravings

Hey guys, it's been a while since I touched on B.E.D. and what I've been learning about it.  B.E.D. is Binge Eating Disorder and while working through the excellent book "Binge No More" by Joyce D. Nash, I've been taking pages and pages of notes.  I came across something tonight that might help those of you who deal with cravings (as I do.)

A craving is an intense desire of longing for a particular substance.  About 70 percent of bulimics attribute their binge eating to food cravings and about 50 percent of binge eaters report cravings - usually for sugary foods.
Once we are firmly in the grips of a major food craving, it can be extremely difficult to get out of it.  The key is recognizing that a major craving is coming on, and avoiding it from developing fully.  Today, I want to talk about how to nip this in the bud, but first, we have to look at how a craving develops.

Advertising companies know what they are doing folks.  The latest Dominos ad makes the pizza look so good you can smell the high-def scents coming through the screen.  This just plants a seed.  Rarely do we see the ad, and by the time it's over, we're on hold with Larry, the pizza guy.  What happens more often; we see the ad, continue sitting there while that seed begins to grow.

The more we dwell on those thoughts, we start to relive the last time we had that particular food and the stronger the craving becomes.  The more you relive it in your mind, the seed grows bigger and bigger.  Your mouth starts to water and negative emotions begin to pile on.  Eating suggest and escape, at least temporarily, from pain, boredom, anxiety, sadness and loneliness.

A craving needs to be interrupted early on, before it grows out of control.  Here are some techniques that if consciously applied, can help to stop the spiral before it sucks you down with it.

Leave or Avoid The Temptation Arena
  • If the ad is on TV, change the channel, or get up and leave the room.  The idea here is that simply doing something will help actively push your mind from the temptation to the self-discipline of doing something more constructive.
  • Go to the kitchen and drink a big glass or two of water or tea.  Doing this will fill your stomach and give your mouth something to do while you move away from this temptation to cheat.
  • Remind yourself that you will be eating at the regular time.  This is huge!  We have talked many times about eating every 3 hours.  Simply put, if it's not time to eat, you must wait.  Just that in itself can be enough to help avoid a craving.  You are imposing discipline on yourself, which is actually an action, which, in turn, moves you a step in the right direction, not the wrong one.
Use Thought Stopping
  • Thought stopping involves noticing the beginning of a craving and taking immediate action.  Action doesn't always imply movement, but in this case, Mental Action.  Conscious thought forced by your "right" mind that will drag your "wrong" mind along.
  • As soon as you start to ruminate about a certain food, tell yourself, in conscious thought, "No. Stop thinking about that. Think about __________"  Fill the blank with anything you can devote 100% attention to for even a few moments.  That's often how long it takes to brake this cycle.

Depress the Sensory Longing
  • Another way to make the thought or image or the tempting food item less compelling is to disrupt your own sense of taste or smell.  Popping a strong mint, gargling with strong mouthwash, brushing your teeth, dab some cologne or strong smelling ointment under your nose work beautifully.  This may sound a bit out of the box, but I assure you, I personally do this one often, and it helps nearly 100% of the time.
Remember that Cravings Pass
  • Use our timing system here.  If you know that it's only been 2 hours since your last snack, you still have an hour to wait.  Force yourself to wait.  You can use that time to plan a healthy alternative to eat, then when you're done with it, you have to wait another 3 hours to eat again.
  • Urges fade with time.  Drink a huge glass of water and force yourself to wait.
 Have Alternative Activities at the Ready 
  • Take a walk
  • Take a shower
  • Practice music
  • Call a friend
  • The key here is... DO SOMETHING!  If you just sit on the couch, the craving will continue to grow, until finally, you have a weak moment, and it wins.  Get up and move.  Simply taking a shower has bailed me out more than once this week to be honest.
Indulge a Craving with Moderation
  • If you have delayed a craving and distracted yourself, you may permit yourself a single serving of the food that you are thinking of.  Use portion control here!
  • You won't feel deprived and the measured portion is a vast improvement from a full-out binge.  This may help in the long term of stopping the All-Or-Nothing approach that descends to binges.
  • Personally, this one doesn't work for me.  It might with time, and more effort, but I have yet to control a single serving of a cheat food.  This is why I don't do cheat meals, cheat snacks or cheat days.
  • If you're going to attempt this, follow 3 rules.  First, you must have already delayed it until the next eating time.  Second, you must have distracted yourself with 2 different techniques.  And most importantly, you must only buy a single serving of the food that you are going to eat.  No matter how much cheaper it is in a 10 pack... understand if you buy the big family size, more than likely, you will consume the whole box.  If ice cream is your crutch, then buy a single small ice cream sandwich and leave the store.
Give Up Guilt
  • This is the hardest one for me to swallow.  However, I believe it's the most important of all of them.
  • Eating a single brownie or occasional ice cream cone won't make you fat, but huge servings of guilt WILL.
  • Believing you failed due to one cheat can trigger finishing the entire box due to failure and self-loathing.
  • Eating one snack is NOT a sign of loss of control.  Realize that and stop hating yourself.  
 Use the 5 D's
  1. Delay at least 10 minutes (or I suggest until your next scheduled eating time slot).
  2. Distract yourself by doing something active.
  3. Distance yourself from the temptation.  Leave the room and don't bring the crap into your house!
  4. Determine how important it is for you to eat the food you're craving and how much you ACTUALLY want it.
  5. Decide what amount is reasonable and appropriate.  Eat and enjoy only that amount with no guilt.
Do the best you can and continue to take small steps in the right direction.  Enough small steps forward add up to a marathon.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Self-Ideal : Who we would like to be.

Self-Image : Who we think we actually are.

Self-Esteem : The distance between the two.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is the latest post from Zuzana on Bodyrock.tv - I've said the same thing so many times, it's nice to hear someone else say it. Dig it.


Hi BodyRockers,

There is a dead simple way to find out if your approach to exercise and diet is the right one for you. Ask yourself this one simple question: Does your body look dramatically better than it did 3 months ago?

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. If you spend any amount of time in the same gym day after day, week after week, as the months go by you start to get familiar with the people coming out of the spin class, and the rest of the crowd that frequents the weight room or the cardio theatre. What I noticed back then, is that even the people I would see at the gym everyday looked exactly the same month in month out. There was no change.

We know that it possible to make visible changes to your body in just 3 months. If you are consistent for a whole year, you can create an outstanding physique with massive improvements in your health and performance. So here is the kicker. If you have been exercising for years and you don’t have the body of your dreams, if you haven’t made dramatic changes, then what you are doing is not working. Maybe it’s time to take an honest look at how hard you are pushing during your workouts, what your diet looks like and how consistent your training is. If you have been spending 45 minutes a day on the elliptical trainer for the last 4 years and you look the same (or worse) than when you started you are long overdue for a change.

People in general don’t like change. They tend to resist it. It makes them uncomfortable. Easier to go to the gym for an hour and watch Dr.Phil on the TV while your legs move up and down at a leisurely pace on the stair master and your mind wanders in a numb semi vegetative state. As a general rule if you are watching TV or reading a magazine while working out, chances are you are not focused on putting your max effort into the training – and the end result will not get you closer to your goals. Remember it’s 3 months of killer effort to start seeing noticeable changes – 1 year of consistent training to completely transform yourself physically. There are no short cuts, but if you are putting in the time, why not reap the rewards and actually make those changes?

The kind of changes you can achieve are mind blowing. I’m not talking about dropping a dress size here – I’m talking about a complete body transformation which will have positive effects on every aspect of your life. Your self confidence will go through the roof, your energy will blaze through – it’s worth every drop of sweat to increase the quality of your life to such a high degree. That’s the goal and thats the journey. That’s what we are trying to share here on BodyRock.Tv with our workouts and diet challenges and we hope that we can all continue to press forward towards our goals together.


Zuzana & Freddy


I love this so much. I keep thinking about effort recently. I used my heartrate monitor tonight and was consistently over 180 - once up to 187. It dipped down to 169 once in the middle during one of the recovery exercises, and as soon as I noticed, I picked it back up to the 170's. If you can get a heartrate monitor, it's a great investment. Mine is the simple Polar F1 (cheapest strap model) and only does active HR. It doesn't do graphs and charts and stuff that some others do, but I can always look down and see where I am. Think about it - sometimes we might think we're working hard, but in reality, could be going harder.

If you want results - serious results - you have to dig deeper, push harder, bring more of it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sore Muscles

How do you feel about being sore after a workout?  Personally, I LOVE it!  Well, ok, I love it in my upper body, but not so much in my lower.  Walking like you just rode a bicycle for about 100 miles isn't so fun, but still, soreness lets me know I worked it.

What is that soreness?  Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is most prominent within 72 hours after a tough workout.  Usually it goes away quickly after it peaks around that time.  OK, we know this right?  Why does it happen?

Many people believe that DOMS is caused by the build up of lactic acid in your muscles that grows during the final reps of each set of muscle building.  This is actually not correct - while lactic acid does build up (and is what leads to failure on that 8th rep) the soreness is actually caused by tiny tears in your muscles.  The tears come during the stretch part (or extension) of the exercise.  For example, the tears come on the extension of the bicep on the curl, not the contraction.  After the tears occur, the body works for the next 48 hours or so to rebuild the tears, and in fact, will build them slightly bigger than they were before.  This is what makes your muscles grow and get stronger.

A word of caution however.  If you aren't sore - it DOESN'T mean that you aren't working!  Often the biggest tears only happen the first or second time through a new routine.  After that, you're still building, but the DOMS might not be as noticeable.  I do a routine between 4-6 times before I change it up to utilize muscle confusion.  (Just like the P90X schedule!)

Here are a couple ways to help DOMS.  It won't cure the cold - just relieve the symptoms...

  • Over the counter anti-inflammatory meds or pain relievers (ex. Ibuprofen) in safe doses can help the pain if it's too bad.
  • heat vs. ice: heat or cold compress helps decrease swelling in muscles and helps the pain while the tears are healing (growing!)
  • Massage the muscle - of course - duh!
  • Stretch after your workouts!  You should be doing this anyway right?  A short cool-down and stretch will help so much more than the drag of doing an extra 10 minutes right after your hardcore workout.
  • ACTIVE RECOVERY!!!!  This is my favorite!
If you're crazy sore, the WORST thing you can do is just lay on the couch.  First, it gets you into lazy mode!  Believe me on this one.  Seriously - lazy mode is so easy to get into and so hard to get out of.  Do a workout.  If your lower is sore, do upper.  If your upper is sore, do abs.  If your abs are sore, do cardio or yoga.  Seriously, active rest/recovery is absolutely key to the long term success of a program.  You WILL be sore from time to time, it's a good thing.  Power through it.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: The Best Ever Bodybuilding Diet?

This is so close to the diet I've been following for 6 months, except for the heavy carb day - I'm going to give it a shot and see how it follows. I've increased my calories from 2000 to 2500 until next weekend, then I'll go up to 3,000. I'll be nervous - I expect you guys to keep on me about eating 3k calories, I'm admitting right now that I'm scared to get fat again!

This is long and wordy - but worth the read if you're bored and want to see what I'm up to. I found it on www.Bodybuilder.com


Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: The Best Ever Bodybuilding Diet?

By: Mark McManus

  • Article Summary: This diet plan will work to increase some anabolic hormones.
  • The plan will give you enough carbs for energy, but still burn more fat.
  • The negative side effects such as brain fog disappear quickly.

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: The Best Ever Bodybuilding Diet?

What would you consider to be the perfect bodybuilding diet? If such a thing existed it would meet the following criteria:
  • Allow you to build muscle without accumulating fat when bulking. You'd stay lean all year round.
  • Allow you to lose fat without losing muscle when cutting.
  • Induce an increase in serum anabolic hormones naturally (without supplements).

What would it mean to you and your bodybuilding goals if this diet was not something that only existed in fairy-tales, but was available to you right now!

You may have heard of this strategy before, but dismissed it. I advise you to keep an open mind and test it for yourself, many others including Hugo Rivera have tried it with amazing results.

Origins And Method

This diet did not originate with me of course. However, because of the massive impact it had on my results, I feel compelled to share it with as many people as possible. I would like to credit the following people for their wisdom before I go any further:

o Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale
o Anthony Colpo
o Gary Taubes
o Dr. Michael Eades
o Dr. Robert Atkins
o Dr. Jeff Volek

So what is this diet? It's a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD for short. CKD basically means that you cycle periods of low carb, high protein, and high fat with periods of high carb, high protein, and low fat.

The majority of time you will be consuming a low carb diet, with a period set aside each week for carbing-up. This isn't for the fun of it; there are real scientific reasons for this, reasons with exciting implications for the bodybuilder.

Increasing Anabolic Hormones

A diet that maximizes serum levels of growth promoting hormones is a dream come true. Specifically we're talking about:

1. Testosterone
2. Growth Hormone
3. IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1)

I'm sure that all sounds good to you. So how do you actually implement a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet?

For most of the time you will be consuming a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. This is interspersed with smaller periods of high carb, high protein, low fat nutrition. There are variations on the CKD but the standard (and my favorite) way is to implement it in the following way:

o 5-6 days of low carb.
o 1-2 days of high carb.

This gives a manageable and sociable weekly cycle where you carb up over the weekend and return to your low-carb diet during the week.

Please note: Depending on how intense you train, some people may find that their gym performance deteriorates towards the end of the low-carb phase. In this case, it is highly recommended that you implement a mid-week carb-spike to replenish your muscle glycogen stores by having another high-carb, high-protein, low-fat day on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

The Low-Carb Advantage

When you keep your carbs sufficiently low, you body switches to a fat metabolism; this is called the 'Metabolic Switch'. Switching from a carbohydrate to a fat metabolism has some real advantages for the bodybuilder:

o Increased Lipolysis (breakdown of fat)
o Decreased Lipogenesis (accumulation of body fat)

This metabolic switch usually takes around 3 days to take full effect. Synthesizing the correct enzymes in sufficient quantities to become a fat-burner takes a little time. This is why some new comers to low carb diets can feel foggy at the beginning.

Please do not confuse this short period for the whole diet; your energy will be back up in no time, and for some people, better than ever!

The Role Of Insulin

Some of you may have noted that I left out an important anabolic hormone in the above list - Insulin.

What Does Insulin Do?
Insulin is a hormone with extensive effects on both metabolism and several other body systems (eg, vascular compliance). Insulin causes most of the body's cells to take up glucose from the blood (including liver, muscle, and fat tissue cells), storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscle, and stops use of fat as an energy source. When insulin is absent (or low), glucose is not taken up by most body cells and the body begins to use fat as an energy source (ie, transfer of lipids from adipose tissue to the liver for mobilization as an energy source). As its level is a central metabolic control mechanism, its status is also used as a control signal to other body systems (such as amino acid uptake by body cells). It has several other anabolic effects throughout the body.

So when does our body produce insulin? Insulin is secreted by our pancreas primarily in response to the carbohydrates in our diet. Since we are keeping carbs low, our insulin levels will also be low. Does this mean we miss out? Not at all.

This is where the carb-up period comes in. Once a week you should load up on carbs and let your insulin levels spike. Insulin will shuttle amino acids into the muscle tissue, but we also refill our depleted muscle glycogen stores during this time.

Our muscles are like tanks for glycogen. They fill up and empty again when we workout. Unfortunately when we eat too many carbs these tanks become satiated. Some glycogen is then stored in the liver and any excess is converted to triglyceride and stored as fat. This is where traditional high-carb diets can let us down. So why fill them at all?

Muscle glycogen means better performance in the gym. We load up on it and fill our tanks. By the end of our low-carb period we have once again emptied the tanks and we repeat the cycle over again.

Growth Hormone & Insulin

These 2 hormones have a strange relationship. It seems that when one is in abundance, the other is nowhere to be found. We therefore do not want chronically elevated insulin levels as:

1. Our growth hormone production will be blunted
2. We may overspill our glycogen tanks and start to lay down fat (lipogenesis)

Fat & Testosterone

Testosterone and dietary fat have a positive correlation; i.e. diets higher in fat and dietary cholesterol lead to higher concentrations of circulating testosterone.1 We all know how important this hormone is to maximizing our lean muscle gains. You could be throwing away potential gains by consuming a low-fat diet, that goes for the ladies too.2

How Many Carbs Is Low-Carb?

In order to become a 'fat-burner', you should consume around 60 grams or less of net carbohydrate per day (total carbs minus fiber). However, in order to determine just how many carbs you personally should be consuming, a little trial and error is necessary.

The general rule is this:

Eat the smallest amount of carbs it takes to allow maximum output in the gym.

This will vary from person to person. Please bear in mind that fat will become your main source of energy and large quantities of carbs are unnecessary.

If you are unsure, try beginning at 30 grams and adjust as necessary.

What About Post-Workout Carbs?

Remember, our goal is to keep insulin low and growth hormone elevated for most of the week. Post-workout carbohydrates will therefore work against you here.

Apart from blunting growth hormone levels, carbohydrates may do nothing to increase protein synthesis in the post-workout period beyond that which protein can do by itself 3. Take the following study for example:

The following study took place in the Netherlands, the subjects being healthy young men. The study split the men into 3 groups, each ingesting different combinations of protein & carbohydrates. Therefore the only variable was the level of carbohydrate.

Each group performed resistance training for 60 minutes and was given either protein or a combination of protein and carbohydrate each hour for 6 hours after training. The amount of protein for all the groups was 0.3g per kg of bodyweight. The protein and carbs varied as follows:

o Group 1 - Just protein, no carbs
o Group 2 - Protein with 0.15 g per kg of body weight of carbohydrate
o Group 3 - Protein with 0.6 g per kg of body weight of carbohydrate

Protein synthesis rates were then measured for 6 hours after training. The results?

1. The intake of protein after training increases protein synthesis.
2. The addition of carbohydrate (whether in small or large amounts) to this protein did not further increase protein synthesis at all.

This is good news for those interested in or currently living a cyclical ketogenic lifestyle.

What To Eat

Any anabolic lifestyle is only as good as it is practical to actually live.

Perhaps you think a low-carb diet is too restrictive. Maybe you've even tried something like this before and failed because you felt that there wasn't a wide enough variety of food. This is understandable.

In order to experience the awesome benefits of this diet and also make it enjoyable, I am continually searching for recipes and concocting a few of my own. To show you just how tasty and easy it is to live this lifestyle here's a typical 1-day eating plan:


o Bacon
o Whole Eggs Scrambled

Mid Morning:

Low-carb wrap filled with:
+ Tuna
+ Mayo
+ Cheese

(Low-carb tortillas can be bought in some stores and online)


o Caesar Salad

(With full fat sauce, no croutons)

Main Meal:

o Taco Salad

Post-Workout Shake

Low or no carbs.

Late Snack:

o Protein bar

Low Carb Concerns

When the light of science shines on the concerns some people have about low carb diets, they vanish without a trace.

Sluggish Gym performance

Once your body gets fully fat-adapted (3-14 days) this isn't a problem. Also, you fill you glycogen stores once or twice per week. Once Your Body Gets Fully Adapted Sluggishness Isn't A Problem.

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol

Is a high fat/low carb diet increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease? Not on your life! This belief is based on an unproven hypothesis from the 1950's. The surprising truth is that low carb/high-fat diets consistently outperform all others in improving lipid profiles. Typically, HDL (good) cholesterol rises, LDL (bad) cholesterol drops and triglycerides plummit, producing a much reduced risk of heart disease.

Brain Fog

This does not happen to everyone though some experience it only in the initial 'metabolic switch' period. A fat metabolism requires different enzymes to function than a carbohydrate one. Synthesizing the correct enzymes in sufficient quantities to become a fat-burner takes a little time, stick it out.


So there's no reason to not give this a go. Prepare for some initial water weight loss at the beginning, you'll put it back on every carb-up phase.

This could be the step you've been waiting for. Take your game to the next level!

Mark McManus


1. Alteration of the Lipid Composition of Rat Testicular Plasma Membranes by Dietary (n-3) Fatty Acids Changes the Responsiveness of Leydig Cells and Testosterone Synthesis1 Elena Sebokova2, Manohar L. Garg3, Antoni Wierzbicki, Alan B. R. Thomson* and M. Thomas Clandinin4 Nutrition and Metabolism Research Group, Department of Foods & Nutrition * Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2C2
2. Effect of low-fat diet on female sex hormone levels. Ingram DM, Bennett FC, Willcox D, de Klerk N.University Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia.
3. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Sep;293:E833-E842
4. Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. N Engl J Med 2008 Jul 17; 359:229.
5. Krauss, Ronald, et al. "Carbohydrate, Weight Loss, and Atherogenic Dyslipidemia." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006 May;83(5):1025-31.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Time Commitment Myth

I live a great life.  Basically, I play gigs at night for the most part and have all day to workout and coach people through P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire and the other great programs Beachbody puts out.  This leads me to an extremely hardcore outlook on working out.  I get that.

I also get that the large majority of people don't have my schedule or lifestyle.  So many people have said to me, I'd love to do it, but an hour a day is just too long for me.  I have a couple thoughts on that.

First, if you aren't willing to commit an hour a day to your health and life, what is it that is so important that's taking up the other 16 or so hours a day?  Think about it - the time that you commit to your health will be repaid in the end with longer and healthier, happier lives.  It's a small commitment now, for a large return later. 

But ok, you just can't give me an hour that most of the hardcore programs ask.  I'm going to type this very clearly.


So many people miss the whole workout, because they don't have an hour.  Do you have 20 minutes?  DO 20 MINUTES!  Do you have 15 minutes now and 15 minutes later?  Do it that way!  Every minute you exercise, is an investment in not just your life, but the lives of our families and loved ones.  They want you around for the long haul!

The 10 minute trainer is one of the really great programs to have on hand for days like this.  Its a brutally hard 10 minute workout (there are several different workouts: Upper Body, Cardio, Yoga, Lower Body, Total Body etc) and while, I wouldn't always tell someone to rely only on this program, it's the perfect one to have by the dvd player for those days that you literally only have 10 minutes free.

OK, you don't have 10 minute trainer?  Just do the first 8 sets of P90X Chest/Back!  Just do Turbo Fire HIIT 15!  Just do Insanity Fast and Furious!  DO WHAT YOU CAN!


Here's an update on my current progress.

Today I finished my 18th phase of workouts.  Each phase is anywhere from 3-6 weeks long and follows a rotation of different Beachbody workouts.  This was a major muscle building phase and follows a 3 day rotation.  These workouts are long and brutal - seriously!  The longest ones I've done since I started, but they're super fast paced.  The Chest/Back/Shoulders workout is 50 sets and I usually finish in about 70 minutes.  Not much time for rest there!

Phase 19 will be a continuation of this for the next 3 weeks, followed by a serious recovery week filled with Yoga and stretching.

I'm doing 3 weekly fit clubs now, so all of my cardio is at fit club, which is great, so I don't have to schedule any in.  If you are looking for a fit club - there is a great chance that you already have one in your area.  Ask me and I'll try to find one.  The idea of a fit club, every week you go to the free workout and do a different Beachbody workout.  They're really fun and a great chance to try some of the different programs.

We have 14 days until Halloween people.  That is enough time to drop a couple extra pounds for the ultra-sexy halloween costume you've been thinking about.  Get that nutrition clean - dig in hard for 14 days with me and see what you can do!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Push Harder PEOPLE

I've been thinking so much about effort recently.  I know that people are out there doing their workouts, but how much are you really working out?  People ask me all the time how many calories you burn in a workout.  I think the easiest answer (for those of us who don't have heartrate monitors) is using simple math.

Resting Effort 1 calorie per minute

Max Effort 10 calorie per minute

Just use simple 10% deductions from Max Effort to figure out about where you are.  For example, at Fit Club Butler today we did Turbo Fire HIIT 15.  It's a killing great workout that I know a little bit.  There are a couple breaks and a nice warm-up and cool-down.  I would guess I was about 70% effort in this one.  I could have worked a little bit harder, but because I didn't know all the moves yet, I was a little slow to start some of them.

Thus my calories would be about 15min x 7 = 105 calories burned. 

Many people might say this is underestimating, and maybe it is, but I would rather underestimate than over any day of the week!  Also, this system allows for warm-ups, cool-downs, stretches, and breaks.  Frankly, all-out Max Effort is more than 10 calories per minute for most of us, but that is inaccurate unless you only count the time that you're actually working out, no breaks included!  Also, this makes quick simple math easy :)

Here's the point.

People!  Listen Up!

If you have to be there working out anyway - WHY NOT push yourself close to your max?  Going nice and easy and taking lots of breaks doesn't make the time pass any faster!  45 minutes still lasts 45 minutes if you're going at 50% effort or 90% effort.  In fact, 90% will make it seem like it's passing faster, because you can't think about anything other than staying on your feet and keeping going!

I have worked with and worked out with clients and friends who range the whole spectrum of this.  Some will go at what looks to me like 25% effort and think they're getting a great workout in.  Some will go at 85% effort and be angry that they didn't push harder in the end!

Pay attention to your form and keep it clean!  This is absolutely critical!  Assuming your form is clean - PUSH HARDER!  Last time you finished a set of push-ups - can you honestly tell me that you couldn't have done 1 more?  Really?


Last time you were doing crunches - and you took a break mid-set - can you really tell me that you HONESTLY couldn't do one more crunch before your break?  Really?

Look at yourself in the mirror and answer this.  If you are being honest and pushing to failure, then HELL YES!  You're kicking ass and taking names :)  But for the other 99% of us, it's time to step it up.

I'm taking this as a personal challenge to get the most out of every set and every exercise I do from this point on.  I promise you - if we're working out together (in real life, in spirit, or in WOWY) I will be working harder than you.  Try to keep up.

Monday, September 27, 2010

2010-09-27 Coach Check-In


I missed last week's check-in!  I know...... lazy, but I was sick and in bed the whole weekend!  A pretty short check-in today, I have a friend coming for a P90X workout in a few minutes, we're going to knock out Chest/Back and Abs.

I did One on One on One Leg for Legs by Tony Horton for the first time a couple days ago, and here I am 4 days later still so sore!  What a great workout.  Something really special about working out on one leg, that works your core and balance so much.

I want to encourage you guys to utilize our Motivation/Accountability thread.  If you've never used a forum before, don't be scared, it's just our team using it.  You just use your beachbody login and jump in.  Bookmark the thread and check in every day.

Some of us have a huge group of real life people who motivate and encourage us every day, that's amazing and awesome.  Most of us (like me) don't!  We have to surround ourselves with people that we want to fit in with. 

Look around at groups of people walking around the mall.  Don't they all dress the same?  You see 4 guys walking down the street, all baseball caps and flip-flops.  3 girls at the movie theater all straight hair with sunglasses on their head.

(possibly poor examples - but go with me here)

We need to surround ourselves, at least virtually, with people that we want to emulate!  These forums are a perfect chance to do that!  Come by, introduce yourself and check in.  Not just on the good days (those are easy!) but on the sloppy nutrition days, and on the days that we miss a workout!

It's a long journey guys.  Not just 90 days, but for the rest of our lifetimes.  Making huge lifestyle changes is so difficult if not impossible alone.  You don't have to be.  Do this with me!

Here's a link to our thread.  COME WITH US!

If you don't have a beachbody account - it's FREE!!!!  To join my team, simply go to:


To Sign up for me as your Totally Free Beachbody Coach:
Click "Join" then scroll down a bit, and click "Try Free Membership" - that will assign you under me for any help you might need in your journey!

Steve McKnight
Certified Personal Trainer, N.E.T.A.
Independent Beachbody Coach
gtalk: stevemcknighttpt@gmail.com
facebook: www.Facebook.com/SteveMcKnightTPT
---->  www.KnightFit.com  <--- Follow my blog!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New 4 Week Phase

I just got done writing this phase for a friend.  She wanted to mix it up and work different programs.  I figured I would post it here for anyone looking for something new and a different way to mix up your workouts.

Mon: P90X: Chest/Back
Tue: Insanity: Pure Cardio
Wed: OoO: Just Arms (Insert Shoulder move every set)
Thu: P90X: Yoga X (first 50 minutes)
Fri: Turbo Fire FIRE 45
Sat: P90X: Interval X

Mon: P90X: Core Synergistics
Tue: Insanity: Plyo Cardio Circuit
Wed: P90X: Shoulders and Arms (Everything on One Leg!)
Thu: Insanity: Core Cardio and Balance
Fri: Turbo Fire: HIIT 25, Stretch 10
Sat: P90X: Legs and Back

Mon: Insanity: Cardio Power and Resistance
Tue: OoO: 30/15
Wed: Turbo Fire: HIIT 20
Thu: OoO: FoY
Fri: OoO: Diamond Delts
Sat: KnightFit Cardio Circuit 2 (3x!)

Mon: P90X Chest/Shoulders/Tri
Tue: Insanity: Max Cardio Conditioning
Wed: P90X Back and Bi
Thu: Turbo Fire Core 20, HIIT 15
Fri: P90X+ Upper Body Plus
Sat: Insanity: Max Interval Circuit

**Abs should be worked 2 or 3 times a week, always with a day in between.  Use any combination of P90X: Ab Ripper X, P90 Ab Ripper 200, OoO Killer Abs, P90X+ Abs/Core Plus, Insanity: Cardio Abs, Insanity:
 Insane Abs, OoO Iso Abs, OoO Ab Ripper 2, BodyRock Ab Destruction

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Arnold Lifting


Just coming out of a 4 day cold that sidelined me for my workouts and nutritionally (no excuse, just dropped the ball) and feeling so great again, I restarted my Phase 18, since I was only 5 days in when I got sick anyway.  I'm running out of town for the day and will post more about this tomorrow, but just wanted to get my logs up.

This is straight out of Arnold's book for adding some size.  It's a lot more sets than I'm used to and heavier lifting than I've been doing as well.  I wish I had a spotter here to lift even heavier, but solo, I can only put up, what I know that I can put back.  The numbers aren't great, but the first week, I just wanted to get them done and feeling good about it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

P90X One on One: Shoulders and Arms Review

Great new workout.  I love that all the shoulders are first and all the arms are second.  Nice new take on things.  I did a worksheet for it, anyone who has the disc can email me for a Open Office copy of it, I included the Forearm and burnout set that I put at the end to totally demolish my arms :)

I should just say how much I totally love the One on Ones.  I love the format, I love Tony being the nut he is, and I love that I get a nice new surprise each month in the mail.  I can't wait until next month's "Back and Base" workout - Tony claims it's one of the hardest routines he's done in years!  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!

Cheating is Over!

OK guys! Cheating is OVER!!!!

Time to step it up! I just got off the phone with a client who finally saw the light that it's entirely possible to attend a party/function/fast food joint/whatever and enjoy it completely without cheating nutritionally!

I know this better than anyone, for those of you who read my blog about my eating disorder - it's a battle everyday - some days more than others, but it's always a battle. I'm sick of it and I'm ready to win.

The past is over. Forget it. Draw a line in the sand - NO MORE!

If you have the urge to cheat - YOU CALL ME! If I'm working or don't answer, call someone else and tell them that you're feeling the urge to cheat and eat something crappy. I promise in a 5 minute conversation, you'll feel much less (maybe not at all) like cheating. If you talk to me for 5 minutes and still want a cookie, go ahead and have it - I won't say a word. Just give me a chance!

We had a new morning fit club test run today and it went really well. One on One Core Cardio Intervals along with a Kickboxing class today. It was good - I'd like a little bit more burn next time, so I'll have to just bring it more.

My streak is 6 days today - Everyone here can make at least a week of:
2. Exercise (the easy part)
3. Logging in here (the easier part)

PERFECT NUTRITION guys. Don't accept anything else.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Deep Thoughts

Fresh Starts

Everyone loves a fresh start right?  I talk to so many people that say, "I have Monday, November 1st circled to start P90X"  or "OK, I missed Tuesday's workout, so I'll restart the week on Monday!"  My simple answer is:

What are you waiting for?

Stop waiting.  Now.  Stop it!

Every day, your body gets older and fatter.  Don't have time for a full 60 minute P90X workout?  OK, fine, do 25 minutes of it!  Doing 25 minutes of a workout isn't half as good as the whole thing!  It's 8,000,000 times better than nothing!  Change your thinking process!

I talk to so many people who get a new workout delivered in middle of the week, and then sit there and wait for Monday to start.  This is silly - open the box and START!  You don't have to wait until you go grocery shopping to start eating right, but so many people do.  FRESH STARTS...... UGH!

Take it from me - if you keep waiting for a good solid fresh start every time you hit a bump in the road, you'll be waiting your entire life.

Get moving.  Get motivated.  GOOOOOOOOOOOO!


ps.  Every single minute hits starts at :00 :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Coach Check-In 2010-09-05

Hey guys - I don't have as much time as normal today, we just finished Fit Club and knocked out Insanity: Plyo Cardio Circuit which was BRUTAL!  I haven't done it in a while, and man o man, I forgot what a serious workout that is.

This week, the team has taken a HUGE step forward.  First, I want to welcome the new people to the team and especially shout out to Mark G and Juan J who are taking their fitness to the next level and joining me coaching.  It's such an amazing ride, and I can't wait to see where your journey leads you.

We started our accountability boards this week finally.  I'll be putting a link up on my blog, but for now, here it is:


All you have to do to post is use your Beachbody Log-in and there you go.  Bookmark this page and check up on it daily.

This is the absolute, no-nonsense, number 1, sole reason why I made it through my 90 days.  Had I been alone, I would have certainly quit this program the first time I went through.

Here's the deal - I always talk about finding people around you to workout with right?  That's great and is TOTALLY important to do.  However, that's not the end of it.  They can't workout every single day of the week.  We do.  We have the same goals as you.  We want to lose weight, get healthy, get ripped and want to help you stay on track. 

One of my closest friends in the world is someone I met on those boards a couple years ago.  It's a family of people who are rooting for you.

That being said.

Here's the challenge:

110 days till Christmas Streak Challenge.
How many days can you put up in a row of 3 things?
  1. Post on the Apple a Day message board every day.
  2. Eat only from the top two tiers of Michi's Ladder.
  3. Exercise every day.
Here are the follow up rules.

1. Post on the Apple a Day message board every day.  Ok, I know sometimes we're traveling or whatever, so here's what you can do.  If you have to miss a day, text me or any one else from the boards.  We'll put your accountability up.  It's important to know that people notice when you're M.I.A. so get here!  Your body doesn't take a break trying to get older, you don't take a break trying to get younger!

2. Eat only from the top two tiers of Michi's Ladder.  (or follow the Primal Blueprint 100% if that's the route you are going.  I personally am doing both.)  NO CHEATS!  That's the idea here.  If you cheat or fall off the wagon - fine, but you start a new streak tomorrow. For me, a cheat meal too often spikes a binge, so I can't allow that for my life, so cheat if you want, but you start over.  The idea is to string as many 100% clean days together as you possibly can.  What's you number?

3. Exercise every day.  Yes - you get a rest day.  Rest is important.  One rest day per week is fine (the weeks go Sun-Sat in my book) I suggest following a program.  If you are doing P90X - great, keep to the schedule.  It was researched and made in that order for a reason.  If you are doing Turbo Fire - great, follow the book!  If you mix things up, great, but if you miss a day, that's your rest day, if you miss a second day that week, guess what?  Start the streak over.  100% Clean is the goal.

That's it.

I'll be posting my accountability as always on my blog and on the Apple a Day thread.  Show up.  Get fit.  Get healthy.  Stop the excuses!

ps.  Here's how I'll be logging my accountability:

Accountability: 9/5 (streak 7)
  • Nutrition: A
  • Insanity: Plyo Cardio Circuit

The B.E.D. Binge

In BED, a binge may not have a readily definable beginning or end and may last for days, rather than for an hour or two as is typical of bulimia or the bingeing anorexic.  The duration of the binge can vary greatly.  Binge days are more the norm than are discrete binge episodes.  Some binges end with the sufferer going to sleep;others continue for days; and still others take the form of continuous snacking throughout the day with no defined meal times.  In some cases, the BED binge takes the form of a night eating, with excessive calories being consumed mainly between 6pm and going sleep.

It may be characterized by:
  • Rapid Eating
  • Eating when not physically hungry
  • Eating until uncomfortably full
  • Eating alone to avoid embarrassment
  • Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, angry, or very guilty after over eating
Binge eating can become a problem at any age, although BED is more likely than other eating disorders to develop later in life.  Most people who seek help for BED are older, 30+.  Men are more likely to develop BED than other eating disorders.  Those with BED usually eat for emotional reasons: comfort, avoid upsetting situations, numb painful emotions, or distract themselves from boredom.  Some are unable to report a specific trigger for a binge but may report a feeling of low-level, persistent tension and anxiety that is relieved by binge eating.  At times the BED beinge has a dissociative quality, resulting in the obese binge eater, "numbing out" or "spacing out."

More on this to follow, but you talk about describing what I've gone through as a text book case, and this is it.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

OoO Ab Ripper 2 Review

Hey guys -

As many of you know, Tony Horton has been recording the test workouts for P90X: MC2 - the sequel to P90X.  More Xtreme, More Xciting, More X!!!

Today, I tried the new test dvd called P90X One on One: Ab Ripper 2 for the first time.  21 moves in 35 minutes all targeting core and abs.  Let me just tell you....... OUCH!!!!

It was spectacular and so fun to do all new ab moves.  Many of the moves are much bigger range of motion than regular Ab Ripper, which engages much more of your core, including lower back.  I'm so happy to see this, because the lower back seems like the one single part that so many people have trouble with above all others.

At the time of taping, Tony's not sure if they'll cut this workout down to 15-18 minutes like Ab Ripper X or leave it as a stand-alone 40 minute killer crushing workout.

I'm pretty mixed on it, I loved today, but would also love to have a great ab/core routine that's 15 minutes long to tack on the end of every other day's normal workout. 

Killer moves Tony!

Friday, September 3, 2010

P90X/Insanity Muscle Blast Schedule

I got this from Ryan - I'm not sure I'm going to do it, but wanted to pass it along.  It looks great!


This program is like an accelerated P90X program with Insanity thrown in the mix. It is designed to maximize muscle development in a shorter period of time, but is a little light on cardio, so you may want to add more cardio here and there if you have time for “doubles”.


Week 1
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back • Abs*
Tuesday – Insanity workout*
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms • Abs*
Thursday – Yoga*
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs/Back • Abs*
Saturday – Insanity workout*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 2 – Muscle Blast Phase 1
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 3 – Muscle Blast Phase 1
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 4 –Recovery Week
Monday - Yoga*
Tuesday - Core Synergistics
Wednesday - Insanity Core Cardio & Balance
Thursday - Yoga*
Friday - Core Synergistics
Saturday - Insanity Max Recovery
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch


Week 5 -
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s • Abs*
Tuesday – Insanity workout*
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s • Abs*
Thursday – Yoga*
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs/Back (or Legs/Calves)* • Abs*
Saturday – Insanity workout *
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 6 – Muscle Blast Phase 2
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 7 – Muscle Blast Phase 2
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 8 –Recovery Week
Monday - Yoga*
Tuesday - Core Synergistics
Wednesday - Insanity Core Cardio & Balance
Thursday - Yoga*
Friday - Core Synergistics
Saturday - Insanity Max Recovery
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

PHASE 3 (optional)

Week 9 – Muscle Blast Phase 1 & 2 Combo
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

Week 10 – Muscle Blast Phase 1 & 2 Combo
Monday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Chest/Back • Abs*
Tuesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Shoulders/Arms
Wednesday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)* • Abs*
Thursday - Insanity Warm-up X- Chest/Shldrs/Tri’s
Friday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Back/Bi’s • Abs*
Saturday - Insanity Warm-up • X- Legs (& Calves)*
Sunday – Rest or X-Stretch

- On the X-Weight days, use an Insanity warm-up, then skip the P90X warm up, but do the stretch…then the weights.
- On the X-Leg day on the weeks with back-to-back weights, since you will already be working Back twice, you can either fast-forward through the Back and just blast the Legs, or do Calf raise exercises during the Back portions since calves are extremely neglected in this program. Another option is to substitute with One on One’s “Bun Shaper”.
- For abs you can choose an ab workout from your favorite program, but make it a good one!
- On weeks 1 & 5 where it says “Insanity workout”, use any of the Cardio workouts (Not the recovery workouts). Or if you want, you can substitute Interval Plus or another high cardio workout.
- Yoga can be Yoga X or a One on One Yoga.
- This program is very light on Cardio, so you may want to do “doubles” on some days and add a cardio workout

Profile of a Binge

From Binge No More by Joyce Nash, Ph. D.

Profile of a Binge

Eating disorders present many faces, and binge eating is often part of the presentation.  According to the American Psychiatirc Association, a binge is characterized by losing control and eating, within a discrete period of time - usually two hours - an amount of food that is difinitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.  However, tmost ordinary people define a binge as just losing control over eating.  Factors like the amount of food eaten, numbers of calories consumed, or eating because of negative emotions are less important than the feeling of being out of control.

Some binges involve eating large amounts of food; some just a bite of something forbidden.  For many people with an eating disorder, but especially for those who are anorexic, a binge may mean eating anything at all, regardless of quantity.  Eating high-fat or high-calorie food, eating in unusual places (as in the car,) or eating a particular times of day, for example, at night, may cause many people to label eating as a "binge".

Some binges have a distinctive beginning and end and occur within a discrete time period' others seem to have a less discernible course and may last for days.  An example of the latter is the "grazing binge", which involves eating more or less continuously throughout the day.  Feeling out of control is the hallmark of all binges.  Binge eating refers to eating that results from the loosening of constraints that define a desired way of eating, leading ultimately to a perceived loss of control over eating behavior.

Whoa.  This is me.  Even when I was in therapy for my B.E.D., I never heard it described quite this well.  I'm going to travel back in time to my last binge and see what started it off.

I was coming home from Washington D.C. where I attended the Beachbody Gameplan training event.  Things were great, I was super motivated, but (if you watched my video you know this) I blew out a tire and had to replace all 4.  This was an extra $800 that I wasn't planning on spending.  I started thinking about money on the way back and getting worried about what winter's going to bring.

I needed gas, so I stopped at a rest stop and bought a tank (another $40) which frankly, isn't a deal breaker for me.  I'm doing ok with money, but all the costs of the trip seemed to be adding up and got overwhelming.  When I went in for a coffee, I spotted these little quarts of ice cream (not so little actually) and thought, "What the hell, I deserve it."  In 2 minutes I was walking to my car with 2 quarts of ice cream and a brick of peanut butter fudge.  I thought, I didn't use my "cheat meal" for the 21 day challenge this week, so this will count, no worries....

I devoured that stuff and in 30 minutes I was at the Irwin exit - still a solid hour from home.  I stopped - again, without thinking, and hit the Taco Bell drivethru.  3 tacos, the flat pizza thing, nachos and large pop later, I was driving again.

I was about a mile from home and thinking about what I was going to do that night, probably a movie and some PS3 was going to be the nights fun.  I didn't even know what I was doing, compeletely out of control, I hit the gas station near my house and walked out with 2 more quarts of cookie-dough ice cream, 2 king size reeses cups, a family size bag of lime flavored chips and cheese dip.

I ate all of that during the first hour of the movie.

Guys - this is out of control.  Even just writing this - frankly, makes my mouth water.  I want this food - but you know what - I want to beat this addiction more.  I want to be ripped more.  I want to be healthier and live longer MORE.

It's time for change.  It's time to make public and admit my struggles.  It's time to address them for real, not by just sneaking off to a therapy session and lying to my friends about what I'm doing.  Full disclosure from now on.

No more games.
No more lies.
No more bullshit.

This is my line in the sand. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Binge Eating is NOT a Moral Failure

Hey guys - this is going to start my series on Binge Eating Disorder.  I don't know how many of you are aware that I've struggled with this for years.  It wasn't until about 2 years ago that I finally sought help and began taking steps towards ending this nightmare.  Recently, (for the past 6 months or so) I've noticed that I've slowly been slipping back into some of my old habits.  While still hitting all my workouts, my "cheat meals" began getting out of control and bigger and bigger.

An example of a "cheat meal" from just last week.  (This was all one sitting, while watching football)
  • Pizza Hut Big Italiano Pizza
  • 2 - 2 Litters of Diet Pepsi
  • 2 Quarts of Cookie Dough Ice Cream
  • 2 King Size Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
I'm not proud to put this out there, but for those of you who also struggle with B.E.D. (Binge Eating Disorder), I want you to know, that you're not alone.

Here's an excerpt from the book "Binge No More" by Joyce D. Nash, Ph. D.

"Binge eating is not a moral failure.  Contrary to popular belief, binge eating is not the result of carbohydrate craving or an addiction to sugar or food.  And it does not result from yo-yo dieting (losing and the regaining weight mulitple times).  Bing eating is part of a disordered eating pattern that many qualify as an eating disorder.

Most often, binge eating is associated with bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by attempts to compensate for calories consumed.  Binge eating is also the central feature in a recently recognized eating disorder - B.E.D.  Less well-known is the fact that many people who suffer from anorexia nervosa also binge periodically.

In addition, untold numbers of people have subclinical eating disorders - any of a number of conditions that do not meet that stringent criteria necessary to ualify for a diagnosis of anorexia or bulimia - or they are so preoccupied with food and weight that their eating behaviors are not "normal".  Often they also struggle with some form of binge eating.  Taken together, millions of Americans are in the grip of both a binge eating problem and disordered eating.

At any given time, tens of millions of people - more than a quarter of all adult men and half of all adult women - are dieting, even if they aren't overweight.  Many see themselves as binge eaters.  Of those seeking treatment for obesity, an estimated 20-50% are binge eaters.  The more severely overweight a person is, the more likely it is that binge eating is a problem.  Younger and younger children are also dieting, which is often a precursor to binge eating.  As a result, disordered eating is reaching epidemic proportions.

Mary Ann: Mary Ann spoke tearfully.  "When it comes to eating, I lose it.  I have a stressful job that keeps me running all day long.  When I get home at night I'm exhausted.  After I get everyone's dinner, I'm ready to collapse.  That's when the eating really starts.  It's not hat I'm hungry.  I just want to stop thinking about everything I have to do, and eating helps me do that.  But I dont like how I look or feel.  I don't feel like having sex anymore, and that's causing trouble in my marriage."

Does this sound familiar to anyone out there?  More on this tomorrow, as I continue to learn more about myself, I'll continue to pass it along to you.  Friends, you're not alone if you struggle with this.  It's a long journey, but I'll be here with you until the end.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

KnightFit Cardio 2: Good Luck With That

Here it is - this weeks workout. It's tough - no lie - pace yourself and take breaks. The goal would be repeat it 2-3 times depending on your fitness level. Warm up and stretch before starting any workout and make sure to cool down and do a good stretch after.

Print out this worksheet and write your reps down between sets.  You can always try to beat your numbers from last time, or beat my numbers from the workout.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Butler Fit Club, McDonalds, Sydney

Butler Fit Club: Tina's Choice

Today at Butler Fit Club, we'll be changing things up - Variety is the spice of fitness right?

I'm bringing about 45 different cardio moves written on scrap pieces of paper, we'll throw them in a hat and pick one at random every minute for 30 minutes.  1 break at the 15 minute mark - hold on to your shorts people, this is going to be EXTREME!

Here's a list of just some of the moves that we might or might not randomly pick!

180 Run Stance Squat
Mountain Climbers
Switch Kicks
High Knees - arms out
Hit the Floor
Charelston Kick
Iso Push-Ups
Ball Push-Ups
Super Star Lunges
Knee Touch Iso Lunge
One Leg Squat Leaps
Super Skater
Jab/Cross Switch
Swing Kicks
Airborn Heisman
Double Airborn Heisman
Circle Run
Leapfrog Burpee
Knee Kick/Ball Kick
Alternating Side Kicks
Side Long Jump
Chair Salutation
Belt Kicks
Plyo Lunge Punches
Lateral Leap Kicks
Super Twister
Traveling Speed Tires
Twist Punches
Butt Kicks/High Knees
Twist Combo 90/180
Monster Truck Tires
Hot Foot
Lateral Leapfrog Squat
Rock Star Hops
Frog Jumps
Scissor Runs
Power Jacks
Power Knees
Ski Down
Pedal Lunges
Floor Switch Kicks
Hooks and Jump Rope
Mummy Kicks
Log Jump
Triceps Dips
Plank Run
Globe Jumps
Pedal Log Jumps
4 Jump Shots / 4 Hop Squats
Screamer Lunges
Fighter Squat Punch
Heel Digs
Chaterunga Flutter Kicks


Also, bring a yoga mat if you have one - we'll do abs after!

KnightFit Cardio Circuit 2 PREVIEW

Hey Guys, I finished writing the next Cardio Circuit for this week. I know you don't know the moves yet, but let me give you a heads up. This is going to be brutal. I'll be practicing it tomorrow and recording it either Wednesday or Thursday.

oh. no breaks.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time P90X Chest-Back Pain and Suffering

Weekly Coach Check-In 2010-08-30

What Is Happening Peoples!?

This week I went to the Beachbody Coaching Gameplan Training session in Washington D.C.  I learned so much about how to really do this coaching thing as a career, I'm super pumped and many many new and exciting things will be coming your way!

Side Note: My trip was eventful with a break down and praying mantis:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vCxMj8dLaI

First off, I'll be continuing a new workout on my website KNIGHTFIT.COM every week (usually Thu-Fri Upload)  All the workouts will continue to be about 10 minutes long and to be repeated 2-4 times depending on your fitness level.  I'm certainly not ever asking anyone to do them, but it's a chance to see what I'm doing, and if you want to jump in an workout with me for a change of pace - why not!

Secondly, look for way more youtube check-ins on my site.  I think that it's important that we know that we're all in this as a team and working together to help each other create a better life for ourselves and our families.  If you have a web cam - I want to hear from you!  Talk to me and each other.  It doesn't have to be Avatar 2 here peeps - just a simple, "Hey, I did P90X Chest/Back and it was awesome!  etc..."  It would blow my mind to hear from my people out there!

We have 7 days left in the 21 day challenge.  I know some people fell off the wagon, which is fine - that happens.  JUMP BACK ON!!!!!!  You have 6 more days to make HUGE strides in your personal journey towards fitness.

I'm putting together a consecutive day challenge for my team.  How many days in a row can you do a workout and eat clean?  Do you want results?  Stop making excuses!  Move!  Isn't it time?!?

I'll be recording a extremely hard cardio circuit this week for the peeps who have written to me about getting bored of doing the same cardio over and over.  Time to step it up.  This will be brutal.  Bring your A Game!

This week, I have a simple question - and I would love answers back here folks who ignore me!


What is the reason you chose to workout?  Why are you here?  Write me, call me, text me, googletalk me, facebook me - tell me WHY!

For me to best help my team stay on the track towards health/fitness/lifestyle that we all want and are promoting, you have to clue me in on WHY you are here!

Also, I want to start a F.A.Q. section of my blog.  So hit me with some questions.  I've been answering back people individually, and of course, I'll continue doing that, but I think that a page for common questions would be a great thing for our team site.  In addition to that, I'm working on adding forums to the site.  I want a place for us to sound off!

Have a great week - keep going - push harder - and GIVE ME YOUR WHY!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shakeology Cleanse

The Three Day Shakeology Cleanse

The Shake Cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way.
Products: Chocolate or Greenberry Shakeology


The basics are as follows:

3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day
1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day
1 salad for dinner – Only white grilled protein in salad (Poultry or fish).

NO:    DAIRY, or EXTRA SUGARS – NO DIARY products at all for maximum results, no almond soy or rice milk, only Low Fat Dressings.

You can put your 2 snacks before/after any of the MAJOR MEALS-Breakfast Lunch & Dinner
The fruit is optional, some of will need the calories where others will not.

1 cup of green tea, ex. Triple Leaf Detox Tea
Power workout participants (Super Conditioned- not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.

REPEAT all 3 Days
Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
½ cup of fruit (60-90 calories)-optional
add ice
8-10 oz of water

SNACK (85 calories)
1 piece of fruit
- Apple, pear, orange, banana mango, etc

Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
Add ice
10 oz of water
1 cup of green tea or a Detox Tea

(either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
Add ice
8-10 oz of water

Salad Grilled white fish or poultry (roughly 340 calories)


My results were astounding!!!  I weighed in at 190.0 before bed the night before the cleanse and woke up on the 4th morning at 182.6!  I felt so great after it, I plan to do another one next month.  (in full disclosure, I drank a bit of coffee instead of only green tea - I wouldn't have, but I didn't read the rules closely enough!)

Shakeology is so deeply nutrient packed that even though this cleanse is low calorie, you get the nutrients from a much higher calorie typical intake.


I was just sitting down to write this check-in, and deciding what I wanted to talk about, when one of our team members chatted with me on gtalk.  She really touched me by saying, "I cannot believe the difference between now and last spring.  Just life in general is better.  I wanted to let you know that what you do REALLY matters.  Probably a lot more than you realize."

I was simply floored.  We don't realize the tremendous influence we can have on other people lives.  Just being there for a friend, helping to encourage them to make positive steps forward and change their lives for the better is often enough.  Take a look around you and see the people you influence.  Your family, friends, coworkers, strangers even - they are watching you evolve and change your life.

Remember, you're not at this alone.  You have a huge circle of people both here, online, and around you that are cheering for every step you take in the right direction. 

The new workout is going to be a beginner resistance workout this week, I hope to have the new workouts up by Friday each week.  Next weeks will be insane, stupid, absurdly hard cardio!!! Get Ready!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

KnightFit Cardio Circuit 1: 8 Minutes of Glory

Alright - it's finally here!  We recorded our first cardio workout today and it should be uploaded soon.  I'm skipping the editing just to get it up quick!

The circuit is 8 minutes long, the goal would be 2-3 times through the circuit with a short break between.  I really was working hard to knock it out and it wiped me out!  Enjoy it.


KnightFit Cardio Circuit 1: 8 Minutes of Glory from Steve Mcknight on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Road Warrior Nutrition

Life on the road is tougher on our bodies than we give it credit for - mostly due to what we fuel up with! I'm asked frequently how to eat well on the road - here are a couple tips.

As a disclaimer - some of these might be somewhat questionable, but the idea isn't what to eat in a perfect world, it's what to eat when you are absolutely forced to eat at a fast food, hotel, bar etc. It's not about making the best choice, it's about making the best choice of your available options.

Those of you who have been following me for a long while will know many of these things - it's worth repeating for those just coming on board.

Order a Grilled Chicken Patty. It's stats are 120 cal 22g Protein/2g Carbs/2g Fat - you really can't beat this. Yes, it has some ingredients that aren't ideal - but so much better than a burger. It tastes really good too with the seasoning. It's not on the menu and many skilled employee's don't know how to ring it up, but if you're patient and kind, they'll figure it out. Usually sells for $1-$2 per patty. I'll often eat 3-4 with a knife and fork.

Fruit and Walnut Parfait. It has just 160 calories and 2 grams of fat and, without granola, 130 calories and 2 grams of fat.

Kiddie Cone is 45 calories and 1 gram of fat. You have to be sure to order this as a KIDDIE cone - they don't really even have that size, so if they give you a normal sized cone - remember it's double the calories. As far as splurges go - this is a sort of painless one. (and super good!)

I ask what's on basically everything I order now. (fast food or regular restaurant) Asking doesn't hurt anything and usually you will find something that you really shouldn't have.

Another thing that is key to remember - you almost never ever HAVE to order off the menu. The menu is usually just suggestions, but no one knows that. You can just order what you want, and if they can, they'll make it. I was just at Denny's - which might be the very most unhealthy place on earth. I couldn't find a single item on the menu that I could eat, so I just asked the waitress for a plate of grilled chicken and salsa with steamed broccoli on the side. No problem! It wasn't on the menu, but it actually was cheaper than my buddie who just ordered a burger and fries.

This one is easy! Skip the sub and get a salad with either Turkey, Chicken or even Black Forest Ham and all the veggies you can jam in a huge bowl. The meat is processed, but still, better choice than the others. Dressing? That's where it gets complicated.

Salad Dressings:
The very best ever bet is Olive Oil and Vinegar. Healthy fats and super tasty. Some people don't like it on salads, so something I came up with to keep my fat nice and low is order lemon wedges (almost every place has them) squeeze a bunch in a bowl and mix in pepper. It's a really good dressing and basically free! Lastly, this might sound strange to you, but Soy Sauce is actually a great salad dressing. It's so potent it only takes a little bit to go a long way, and it's in tier 1 of Michi's Ladder.

ps. Is it strange that I carry a little bottle of Olive Oil in my car?

This is a good rule of thumb:

A few things to avoid:

Super sizes of anything
Fried or breaded chicken or fish
Chicken nuggets
High-fat sauces and dressings
Onion rings
Extra cheese

I only hit McD's here because you can find either a McDonalds or Subway in basically every small town in the world. If you do just a bit of googling you can easily find the nutritional info of every other place, but these are pretty good rules of thumb. However - this is not the best options!

Best Options for Road Warriors!
Make your rest stop a grocery store instead of a fast food joint! When traveling in groups, everyone can find something they like at a grocery! Convince your friends they can get all the cookies and chips and crap they want there while you go over and get some fresh fruit and grilled chicken off the salad bar!

Protein Shakes! Grab a little shaker from GNC for around $7.
This is such a life saver on the road.  Just grab some ice and a bottled water and you have instant nutrition.  The even better option, but a bit messier is this:

I love love love this blender! For me shakes are about 8,000,000 percent better with crushed ice and this little puppy does the job for only around $15 from Wal-Mart.  This little guy is GOLD!

The very best best best option for eating on the road is this:

Shakeology is my road lifesaver, I'll have 2-3 at the ready if there are no healthy options available.  When I was on tour last time, it probably saved me from gaining a couple pounds just due to eating where the guys always chose. 

Sometimes you can't make the best decision, because of the options available, they all suck.  So do the best you can, and never be caught unprepared.  A little cooler of food can last you a long time if it's filled with good stuff!

Find Motivation

Pressing play when P90X or Insanity is brand new out of the box is pretty easy. So is eating clean for the first couple days of a new routine. But then reality sets in, life resumes and things get tougher. It's at these moments we need to buckle down.

For most of us, we're alone in our fitness journey. For every couple that is working out together and eating healthy with a shared mindset, there are ten people who are either single (me) or in a relationship that they are the sole person trying to stop the unhealthy trend that has been the norm.

With the internet and digital age, luckily we are never alone. For the past couple years, I've met a few other beachbody people who share my desire to change our lives and we talk literally all day - every day. My phone is always at my side, so when I don't feel like pressing play, or do feel like eating a large pizza - I'll reach out to a dear friend, Poe and she'll talk me into or out of whatever I'm feeling.

We've built such a relationship of mutual trust and friendship over the years, that if she texts me, "Get off your ass and get moving. Do you want to be fat again or have abs?" I'm not offended, I'm so grateful!

I'm here for you on those weak moments. You have to reach out. When you feel like it's overwhelming - talk to me! It's such a long journey - it's too long to go alone. Bring in reinforcements!

Some other things that I'll do when I'm feeling lazy or unmotivated.

Google Youtube P90X (or whatever program you do) Success Stories.
Watching those folks go through what we're trying to do and come out on the other side is AMAZING!

There are so many awesome sites, if you just look around you'll find it! I'm working hard to include a place here where we can form a community - forums are on the way!

Just Press Play
This is the best choice. Once you start, the endorphins release and you start feeling better in seconds!

Text/Call/Gtalk/Facebook/etc me or your accountability partner!
This is so crucial! Reach out to someone. Rarely will you both be unmotivated at the same time - usually one will drag the other along, then next time, visa-versa (however that's spelled.... you get the idea.)

Guys - what I'm saying is. If you start falling off the band wagon - realize it and REACH OUT! You aren't alone - and neither am I.