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I was so tired of crap that just doesn't make big change. For those of you who really enjoy getting your butt on the treadmill day after day and mindlessly shuffling along - please stop reading now. You won't enjoy my class.
It's hard! There's nothing easy about it. Look - here's the thing. I don't like cardio. So if I'm going to do it, I want to hit it hard and get out.
This isn't to say a beginner can't take my class. They can and do - I show modifications to every move so that everyone in class can keep up. The point is, you push to your absolute hardest. It doesn't matter if my hardest is faster or slower than you - go to the max.
Each week, at various places, we do a brand new workout, new moves, new pacing, but it's all fast and hard - and it BURNS CALORIES. A lot of them!
In my 40 minute class, you might burn up to 900 calories. This is due to the afterburn that you get when doing HIIT Intervals (High Intensity Interval Training). All BodyBlitz is based on HIIT methodology.
But it gets better. It's not just cardio - I wouldn't be that easy on you (or me.)
In one workout, not only are you getting a huge cardio burn, and an after-burn - you'll be working your glutes, quads, hamstrings, calves, core (no crunches ever - they're stupid), chest, shoulders, and arms. I'll throw in some sort of ear exercise to finish out the whole body.
Come try BodyBlitz at:
Greentree Sportsplex: Tuesday Nights 7:00pm
Siri's School for the Performing Arts: Friday Morning 10:30am
....coming soon - a Wednesday morning and Monday night location!!!