Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shakeology Cleanse

The Three Day Shakeology Cleanse

The Shake Cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way.
Products: Chocolate or Greenberry Shakeology


The basics are as follows:

3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes a day
2 Cups of Green Tea a Day
1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day
1 salad for dinner – Only white grilled protein in salad (Poultry or fish).

NO:    DAIRY, or EXTRA SUGARS – NO DIARY products at all for maximum results, no almond soy or rice milk, only Low Fat Dressings.

You can put your 2 snacks before/after any of the MAJOR MEALS-Breakfast Lunch & Dinner
The fruit is optional, some of will need the calories where others will not.

1 cup of green tea, ex. Triple Leaf Detox Tea
Power workout participants (Super Conditioned- not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.

REPEAT all 3 Days
Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
½ cup of fruit (60-90 calories)-optional
add ice
8-10 oz of water

SNACK (85 calories)
1 piece of fruit
- Apple, pear, orange, banana mango, etc

Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
Add ice
10 oz of water
1 cup of green tea or a Detox Tea

(either snack here or after dinner one or the other)
Shakeology 140 calories – 1 scoop
Add ice
8-10 oz of water

Salad Grilled white fish or poultry (roughly 340 calories)


My results were astounding!!!  I weighed in at 190.0 before bed the night before the cleanse and woke up on the 4th morning at 182.6!  I felt so great after it, I plan to do another one next month.  (in full disclosure, I drank a bit of coffee instead of only green tea - I wouldn't have, but I didn't read the rules closely enough!)

Shakeology is so deeply nutrient packed that even though this cleanse is low calorie, you get the nutrients from a much higher calorie typical intake.


I was just sitting down to write this check-in, and deciding what I wanted to talk about, when one of our team members chatted with me on gtalk.  She really touched me by saying, "I cannot believe the difference between now and last spring.  Just life in general is better.  I wanted to let you know that what you do REALLY matters.  Probably a lot more than you realize."

I was simply floored.  We don't realize the tremendous influence we can have on other people lives.  Just being there for a friend, helping to encourage them to make positive steps forward and change their lives for the better is often enough.  Take a look around you and see the people you influence.  Your family, friends, coworkers, strangers even - they are watching you evolve and change your life.

Remember, you're not at this alone.  You have a huge circle of people both here, online, and around you that are cheering for every step you take in the right direction. 

The new workout is going to be a beginner resistance workout this week, I hope to have the new workouts up by Friday each week.  Next weeks will be insane, stupid, absurdly hard cardio!!! Get Ready!!!

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