Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekly Coach Check-In 2010-08-01

Hey KnightFit Team!

Another week has passed already - I feel like I just sat down to write last week's check in! This week, I finally got back to some weight workouts thankfully! I missed it and was happy to lift some iron! Here was the schedule for this past week for me (week 5 of 12 no repeat workouts!)

Monday: Upper Body Blaster w/Joe
Tue: Fit Club One on One Core Cardio Intervals, P90X Ab Ripper X
Wed: One on One Diamond Delts
Thu: P90X Plyo w/Joe and Scott (who might be joining our team as a Los Vegas Coach!!)
Fri: P90X Chest/Back + Biceps tossed in between each Back and Chest move, Insanity Cardio Abs
Sat: Fit Club Turbo Fire HIIT 30
Sun: One on One Plyo/Legs w/Emily, Run 2 miles hills w/Emily and Mike

The week felt so good, I can't wait to see what next week brings! I know that I'm working out again with Joe tomorrow and Dave on Wednesday. If you guys don't have anyone in your lives who you can workout with, odds are you actually do, but just don't know it! When I first started working out, I sort of kept it a big secret that I was trying to get my health together. I've touched on this before in a blog I believe, but when I really deeply look at my reasons for keeping my workouts on the downlow, I honestly believe it was because I was predicting failure and my inevitable slide back into my old life.

After a year or so, I finally started talking about it more and more to my friends. At first, they would just listen, and not say much, but then soon, they started asking questions. This is when it all changed. They didn't tease me or bust my balls like I expected, I realized that, actually, they were admiring my dedication! WOW! When I first saw this dramatic shift in my friends, that's when I started asking them to workout with me.

At first, no one would, but then slowly, I found one guy (a new coach on our team, Juan) who wanted to work out, then another, then another, and soon, I had a rotation of 5-8 guys and girls who would workout with me, if I pestered them enough. This is one time when peer pressure is a good thing! Sure you might feel like you're pushing them - but hell! You are pushing them to have a better life and be healthier. After they give in and join you once, they'll be back! I have yet to have one person only workout with me once! They always come back for more!

Getting fit and healthy is so difficult alone. Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, children, husband, girlfriend, dog, neighbor, hell.... randomly post it on facebook!!!! This has probably gotten more people to workout with me than anything else actually!

Speaking of which - if we're not facebook friends - PLEASE FRIEND ME!!!!!!

OK, moving on!

At KnightFit, I didn't even realize it, but I had comments turned off on some posts! I don't know why that happened, but it's fixed now. I designed that site not only to give the whole team a place to go to read some new and (hopefully) inspiring stuff, but also, for us to come together as a group and deeply commit to getting in the very best shape of our lives. No matter what program you are currently on, or what your goal is (weight loss, maintenance or muscle gain) the key is to stick with it! I would love so much to see your comments about how life is going!

Here is an excerpt of an email I received just a little bit ago. It really moved me and I want to share it with you. I won't name the person, but she just ordered P90X and is doing a routine that I wrote out until P90X comes.

"i have printed out the routine that you gave me earlier and put it on my excuses !!! i will see that everyday and more importantly i will see it everyday before i pull out a meal choice out of my refrigerator. thanks for believing in me"

Just hearing the sheer determination and force of will in her voice (through the typing) I was so completely moved that what we are doing here really, truly matters. It's important! We're saving lives, maybe your own, or maybe the person who's going to watch you transform your life and follow you down that path. It's amazing work, and an amazing life!


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