Sunday, August 15, 2010

No Gym, No Problem!

I'm staying at a ski resort near Pittsburgh for the weekend for a gig and realised that I left all my clothes, and my netbook with my workouts at home!  UGH!  So what to do? I took basically a rest day Saturday and wasn't about to take another one today.
On the way to the gig, we stopped at walmart and I bought a pair of cheap shorts and that's all I needed.
9am Sunday I rolled out of bed and headed down to the sand volleyball courts since I would be working out barefoot!  Here's the routine:
I have a HIIT Interval timer on my droid. Most pda phones have one you can download for free, or if not, pick one up from ebay called GymBoss - its amazing and worth the $20 or so I paid for mine :)
Every move is 50 seconds of all out effort and 10 seconds of rest to get set for the next move.

1: Run w/High Knees
2: Suicide Hops (squat palms on ground, hop right, then jump back to plank, then back to deep squat, hop left and repeat)
3: 8 Plank Runs/3 Moving Push-Ups (in plank, run switching feet, then do a push-up, move one step to your right, and do another, then another)
4: Step Back Lunges with Knee raise (make sure to really use your core here)
5: High Plank/Low Plank (5 sec each)
6: Lying Bike to Boat (10 bicycle crunches/5 sec boat)
7: Jack Combo (5 each: jacks, sumo jacks, x jacks) (sumo jacks: get in deep squat with palms on ground, then jump up, hands together overhead and feet together, legs straight)
8: Deep Belt Kicks (deep squat, then stand with front kick and side kick)
9: Floor Switch Kicks (in table pose, switch feet kicking one high while the other is down, switch quickly)
10: Pedals to Plank (4 Pedals, jump to plank) (pedals are Superstar lunges)
I repeated this with a 1 min break between sets 3 times. It was rough but fun.  Enjoy!


  1. Hey Steve! Any chance you could include photos or a more in depth description of this workout? I want to use it during the 21 days challenge but am not sure what some of the moves are, like #9 and 10. Thanks!
    Tina Baxter

  2. I'm actually going to be recording it in just a few days, complete with pictures and video. Text just doesn't really get the job done. Many of the moves are variations of stuff from P90X, Insanity or Turbo Fire - but with my own personal touch of extra hard :)

    Look for it maybe Thursday or Friday!

  3. Nice workout Steve, does it beat the girl's on youtube for intesnsity?

  4. It's tough! Man, super tough! You want to give it a run Thu or Fri?
