Monday, May 16, 2011

Even Simpler Meal Plan

After I posted my Simplified Meal Plan, I got a bit of feed back via email saying it's too complicated, just "tell me what to eat and I'll do it."


Here it is.  Follow this, every day, and you'll get ripped.

3 meals in a 6-7 hour window.  This window can be whenever you want.  10am-5pm, 7am-2pm, whatever.

  • Meal 1:  5 Eggs, 2 Slices Cheese, 8oz 85% Ground Beef.
  • Meal 2:  8oz 85% Ground Beef, all the veggies you have.
  • Meal 3:  1 Pound of Fish/Turkey/Chicken and tons of veggies.
That's it.  Eat until full, but make sure to eat enough.  That comes out to roughly 2700 calories.  Women might cut portion size slightly, but that's the idea.  Don't cut it in half!

  • Mon: Lift Heavy Weights, Full Body - 3 sets per body part.
  • Tue: -
  • Wed: Lift Heavy Weights, Full Body
  • Thu: -
  • Fri: Lift Heavy Weights, Full Body
  • Sat: Run 100 Yard Sprints x5-8
  • Sun: -
That's it.  Simple 4 workouts per week, all should be quite short.  Here's a good example of the lifting workout.
  1. Chest - Bench Press or Push-Up
  2. Back - Pull-Up or Reverse Back Rows
  3. Shoulders - Military Press or Pike Press
  4. Legs - Back Barbell Squats or Goblet Squats
That's enough.  The upper body moves will work your arms, no need to crush them with endless curls and triceps extensions.  That's a total of 12 sets.  Even resting 2 minutes between sets, you're looking at a 24ish minute workout.  The sprints workout is probably only 10-12 minutes.  Not a big commitment for a lean, healthy body right?


You must push yourself hard.  If you're doing sets of 5 push-ups and you could be doing 7.  DO 8.  You have to push close to your limit.  Good youtube examples of these 4-8 exercises are easy to find.  Do some research and watch your form.

Nutrition Laws:
  • Low Carb.  The only carbs you should eat are veggies.  Note that wheat/corn/rice is grains.  Avoid them.
  • Lots of meat/fish/poultry/eggs.  Eat until full, don't feel guilty.  Fatty cuts of meat are fine and healthy.
  • All food should be consumed in a 6-8 hour window of time.
  • 3 larger meals is actually shown to be better for muscle gain and fat loss, contrary to the old 6 meal a day theory.  It's about insulin production and trying to limit that as much as possible.
*additional info*

Once you're at your goal weight, you may add some carbs back in - a sweet potato or two post workout can be great, but not so much during a big fat loss phase.  Adding in carbs however, does not include adding back in the grain family (wheat/corn/rice).  That stuff is just plain bad for you.  Some dairy or legumes is probably ok, but keep it in moderation.  Cheese is better than milk.

Skip anything listed as low fat or reduced calorie.  In fact, skip anything that has labels completely.  If it comes in a box, SKIP IT.

Meat/Fish/Eggs/Poultry and Veggies only.  There is nothing else worth putting in your mouth.


Why no grains?

Why a 7-8 hour feeding window?

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