You see, I didn't get this at first, but I was just another number to them. They punched a clock in the gym and I was no different than every other fat ass who walked through the door. They knew I would disappear in a month or so, returning to my old life of pizza, beer and laziness. What they didn't know was I. Had. Enough.
I never knew what to eat. I didn't know how to work out, so of course, I did everything wrong. But I wouldn't quit and wouldn't give up. When I was in therapy for my Binge Eating Disorder (and currently still am in therapy for it - most likely always will be) I came to realize that it wasn't because I was weak, it was because I didn't understand. I needed a PERSONAL trainer, not just a guy who would point to a machine and count reps. It doesn't work for me. I don't think it works for most of us. The whole system is stupid.
I finally figured it out, thanks to some really helpful friends who showed me the way. I learned about pacing from Tony Horton. I learned about intensity from Mark Briggs. I learned about pushing harder than you think you can from Shaun Thompson. Then, I learned that I don't have limits from Me.
My goal as a trainer is to put Personal back in the game. I work with people around Pittsburgh and now across the country via Skype with my BodyBlitz Interval Training system. It brings change. Yes, you'll be working hard. Probably harder than you ever thought you could. I won't allow you to quit. I won't allow you to go less than your hardest. I wasted a lot of time because I thought "I can't" - when really, "I could"
I understand that it's not just the workouts that make real change. Your nutrition probably needs an adjustment too. We'll work together to find a plan that works for you. Yes, you'll probably have to put the cupcakes down, but aren't you ready to by now?
When you're ready to make real change in your life, ask me how. I don't use equipment, our bodies weigh plenty for the change that we're going to make. I'll show you the way.
- Prices:
- In Your Home: $30
- In My Gym: $20
- Skype: $12
*Buy in a package of 10 and save 10% - easy.